The National Quilting Association has chosen the 2013 theme - "Celebrate America" - and the free pattern to go with it is suitable for donation to Quilts of Valor.
Of course, we should have a National Quilting Day Sew In on March 16. Who's with me?
If you haven't joined us for a sew in before, it's easy! If you do not have a Twitter account, just sign up. It's free. Once you have an account, join us in the #NQDSI room on Tweet Chat.
I have not had great luck accessing Tweet Chat on my phone (if you know how, please let us know) but I simply go to my Twitter feed and click on one of the tweets that says #NQDSI. If I don't see one, I can go to the search feature and type in #NQDSI. It will then bring up all the tweets with that hashtag. Just refresh frequently to see the conversation.
Other National Quilting Day/Month Events:
- The Venice (FL) Area Quilter's Guild celebrates on March 3.
- Quilter's Day Out takes place in Louisville, Kentucky on March 9.
- The Eastern Long Island Quilters Guild offers workshops on March 9-10.
- In Georgia we have the Greater Atlanta Shop Hop from March 14-17.
- The International Quilt Study Center and Museum hosts a day of lectures, demonstrations, and tours on March 16.
- CAMEO Quilters Guild in Michigan celebrates a belated NQD on April 20.
