What I'm reading:
On Pam's recommendation, I decided to give Karin Slaughter one more chance after she broke my heart with her Grant County Series. I have torn through all seven books in the Will Trent Series in just a couple of week. Karin and Pam have now both redeemed themselves.
Next I jumped into Golden Prey by John Sandford. I'm not sure how Sandford has avoided the danger, after writing over twenty books in a series, of phoning it in like some authors (~cough~ Janet Evanovich, John Grisham, Stuart Woods ~cough~). His writing still sucks me in, and I still love his characters. Even better, the characters grow and change, and his dialogue is fantastic. This lived up to his reputation.
What I'm Watching:
HBO's Big Little Lies, based on the awesome novel by Liane Moriarty, is one of those rare productions that lives up to the book. If anything, it enhances the story by bringing it so truly to life. The Pit Boss and I started watching this just a week before the final episode aired, which made for some excellent binging. This is one of those recommendations that goes full circle, since I think I was originally pointed to Moriarty's books by Tanesha over at Crafty Garden Mom.
What I'm listening to:
Aside from all my fave quilty podcasts, I really am a true crime junkie. My latest guilty pleasures have been S-Town and Missing Richard Simmons.
Neither of these turns out to be murder-y at all, but they both involve a good mystery and high production values.
Now it's your turn to tell me. What's on?

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