It's Week 1 of the Houseworks Holiday Plan. This week I think I'll be okay, since a lot of it is the same as starting the old plan. Making lists at the beginning is one of my favorite things!
This is the week we will sit down over dinner and go over our debriefing from last year and fill out the Family Values Worksheet for this year. Even better: Deuce is home for my FiL's birthday celebration, so we won't have to conference call him in from Tuscaloosa!
I don't print a paper binder; my notes are all on spread sheets that I can reuse each year. My Master Gift List and budget don't change much from year to year either.
Last year our biggest hurdle was me working full time; scheduling time to shop and plan ahead were on the list of things both The Pit Boss and I wanted to do better this year. Establishing and sticking to a budget are on that list as well.
As for the housework part of the plan, I have a head start on that, too. For my birthday, TPB gave me a ScanSnap iX500 after I shared this blog post from Abby over at Organizing your life about going paperless. We have been scanning like fiends, and have two giant bins of paper to shred.
Are you joining me this year? Which plan will you use? Remember: the more you do now, the more time you'll have for quilting later!