It's Week 14 of the Holiday Grand Plan, and we are getting down to the wire! It's time to drag out the decorations and put up the lights. I know a lot of people do this over the Thanksgiving weekend, so you might already be done. We always wait a little longer, and this year I want to wait until Deuce comes back home to get our tree. I will start bringing up the Christmas dishes and decorations from the basement a little at a time this week.
The other thing we are working on is our holiday menu. We have hosted Christmas dinner every year since the first year we were married, with exceptions only for the year Deuce was born on December 27 and the year the Bear came down with the flu during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. It used to be a big crowd when more of our extended family joined us, but in the last several years we've been down to less than a dozen. It has been fun to switch from a big pot luck to a more coordinated meal.
My gift shopping is going okay. I was very excited that the special order item for TPB - the one with an estimated arrival date of January 3 when I bought it - came in early. I was able to have the boys run me over to the mall on Black Friday and drop me at the curb so I could push through the crowds to pick it up and get the heck out of there as quickly as possible.
And, for those of you who are wondering, Batman is still not here! My SiL is checking into the hospital tonight to be induced tomorrow. Unfortunately, my brother will then have to check into the same hospital on Friday for minor surgery. They've both had a rough couple of weeks; thank goodness my parents are out there. Prayers, positive thoughts, crossed fingers...whatever you do, please do it for them.
I haven't even begun to drag out Christmas stuff, but maybe today...maybe. :O) I love your comment "Prayers, positive thoughts, crossed fingers...whatever you do, please do it for them." We all have different ways of offering support and those three are great choices. I'll do all of the above. :O)