The Pit Boss and I just returned from an amazing 25th anniversary trip to Boston and Cape Cod, where I ate a crazy amount of seafood and walked a ridiculous amount of steps. Probably not enough steps to offset the food, but still a lot.
I dropped my machine off for service a few days before we left, so no fabric was used this week.
However, since I married the most amazing man ever twenty-five years ago, I did take in quite a bit on our trip. I also managed to fit it all into my suitcase despite fears that I would have to ship it home.
I'll write more about each shop this week, but we visited two quilt shops on our trip, and tried another one that is closed on Mondays.
First we visited Tumbleweed Quilts in West Barnstable, Massachusetts. This is a shop that looks smallish but keeps going on and on! I got lost in there for about 30 minutes before deciding on these mementos of our trip. This added 4 yards to my stash.
Then, on Friday when the rain came in, The Pit Boss suggested a drive to New Hampshire to visit the Mecca of quilt shops, Keepsake Quilting. Is he the best or what? I picked up about 7 more yards of fabric there.
Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 21.5 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 11 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 38.5 yards
Net Fabric for 2017: -17 yards used
Used for Charity Year to Date: 2.5 yards
Percentage Used for Charity: 12%
I'm linking up with QuiltPaintCreate to track my Sunday Stash Reports. Visit the blog and link up so we can keep the link party going!

Interesting! I never thought to keep track of percentage used for charity - almost all of it is. Happy anniversary.