It's party time again! Gracie's birthday is around the corner, and I am hard pressed to come up with an idea to top the 7 year old Nancy Drew party, complete with a series of clues (mailed so the girls had to decode their invitations) and sleuth kit goodie bags, or last year's American Girl party with cigar boxes full of Kit Kittredge movie themed favors and a handmade doll quilt for each girl. Phew!
But Disney saved us! Leave it to those magical geniuses to have their next fabulous TV movie premier ON HER BIRTHDAY! Yes, Princess Protection Program comes out next Friday, on the actual day Grace was born, 9 years ago. And it's kind of a mystery, which has become somewhat of a trend for us.
In case you are not up on your latest Disney facts (translation: subject to several hours a week of the Disney Channel broadcast throughout your home, complete with music videos and ads for things only available on TV), let me fill you in. The very flimsy premise of the movie is that the Princess Protection Program has been set up by royal families to keep princesses safe. When a threat is detected, one of their secret agents has to move in and take custody of Princess Rosalinda. To protect her identity, he brings her home to his own daughter, who then gets to teach Rosie how to act like a normal American teenager. Hilarity ensues.
So, we have sent the following invites to an exclusive five special girls (the most that will fit in my car):
ALERT: THE PRINCESS PROTECTION PROGRAM HAS DETECTED A DANGER TO PRINCESS ANNIE. STOP. SHE WILL BE PICKED UP BY OUR UNDERCOVER VEHICLE AND TAKEN INTO PROTECTIVE CUSTODY ON FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2009. STOP. TO ENSURE HER SECRET IDENTITY, ANNIE WILL BE TAUGHT TO ACT LIKE A NORMAL GIRL - EATING PIZZA, PLAYING GAMES, AND MAKING ICE CREAM SUNDAES WITH FRIENDS. STOP. SHE WILL ALSO ASSIST GRACIE TO “BRING OUT HER INNER PRINCESS” WITH HAIR ACCESSORIES AND NAIL POLISH. STOP. ANNIE’S UNDERCOVER TRAINING WILL BE COMPLETED BY VIEWING THE PREMIER OF DISNEY’S MOVIE “THE PRINCESS PROTECTION PROGRAM”. STOP. WHEN THE THREAT HAS PASSED, SHE WILL BE RETURNED TO HER CASTLE. STOP. THIS MISSION IS CLASSIFIED HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL. STOPMy favorite thing about this party is that it will be like an old fashioned birthday party - no expensive entertainers or venues, no hordes of children, just a few friends over for pizza and ice cream and some games to celebrate. It won't feel gluttonous, it won't feel over-the-top, but it will still be exactly what she wants and so fabulous! Plus, since the movie is free and the pizza is cheap (I know a guy!) I can splurge a little with the favors and decorations without a bit of guilt.
I'll keep you filled in on our plans in case you want to invite some friends over to watch the movie yourself.
Have a wonderful day!

I would love to have more details of your actual event. We will be having an ENCORE of PPP party and would love to see what you did for favors, goodies, games etc. Thanks for your help