I'm linking up with
WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.
I have actually been doing some sewing every day this last week, even if it's just a seam or two before bed. Some of it is for the WannaBee round robin, which I can't show you. I do have to brag that I have finished my second round to hand off tomorrow, while some of us have just passed along the center block. I don't say this to make anyone feel badly, because the whole point of this is NO PRESSURE; it's just so you know that I am not personally responsible for slowing anyone else down. I'm very proud of that.
Design A - chopping off the spider webs |
The other thing I've been working on is my spider web blocks. Our bee group met last week and
Lynn was showing us her finished top. Well, it
was finished until she decided she didn't like how the spider webs were incomplete on the sides, so she took it apart. At first I didn't understand what she meant, because when I look at this top I see the stars (or whatever you want to call them - the part that isn't string pieced). Those are complete in the layout she first used and that I was planning to use. This is also
how Bonnie Hunter has it laid out.
Design B - border after the stars |
Lynn is looking at the string spider webs, which probably makes more sense given the pattern name. She is enlarging her top by completing the spider webs and leaving the "stars" only partially finished.
Design C - border after the spider webs |
I'm not sure I like that either. Where does it end? What do you think is the natural border for this pattern?
I've drawn it out a few ways and am trying to decide which I like best. I really don't like Design C, either with the "orange" border or cutting off the star points. I think I like B the best, but then I have to come up with another fabric.
*Update: after looking at how many blocks are done and how many I would need, it turns out I've actually done
too many for Design B and would have to unsew several blocks if I choose this design. Just in case that influences your decision. It probably will influence mine, although the more I look at Design B, the more I like it. I also found several green fabrics that I think would look great.
Please forgive the primitive design process - I don't do EQ anything. Also, please know that red and orange are not even remotely on my list of possibilities. I just thought they showed the most contrast.