Looks like we made it - all the way to Week 18! I hope you all had a wonderful week, free from any extra holiday stress. Was it worth it to start planning way back on Labor Day weekend?
For me, it definitely was worth it. Although I was AWOL from the blog, we had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas with a delicious dinner. I was at work until 2 on Christmas Eve, but still made time to meet Mom for coffee and a little bit of people watching for our annual tradition.
We decided to go to Mass at 9 pm instead of midnight. Afterwards I let The Pit Boss open his first gift - a new wedding ring to replace the one that went missing during the renovation - and we asked Father Dan to bless it on our way out of church. On Christmas Day, the grands came over for Crown Roast of Pork, The Pioneer Woman's Perfect Potatoes Au Gratin (plus her Skewers of Glory as an appetizer), oven roasted asparagus, Deuce's homemade bread, and Mom's English Trifle.
Now it's time to celebrate the New Year, reflect on 2013, and plan a debriefing dinner with the family.
- What did everyone like best? What would you prefer not to repeat?
- What was the best freezer dinner? (make 2 next year!) Bring a list to the meeting so they remember which ones you tried.
- What was the best treat? Which one wasn't worth the time and effort?
- What worked about the holiday meals? Were they at a good time of day? Were the recipes "keepers" or do you need to test a few new ones next year?
- What was the best memory of the season? Was it a family activity that you want to be sure to plan again, or having friends over to decorate the tree? Was it shopping with each child alone for a bit, or maybe cooking together?

Glad it went well and the organizing was worth it. I am organizing a little at a time, but not to any plan except to move stuff out of my house that is no longer useful. Take care, happy New Year.