I'm linking up with WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.
Yesterday The Pit Boss treated Mom and me to a fantastic lunch at Marietta Fish Market before we headed over to Sew Main Street to pick out the fabrics for Batman's quilt. Yes, my brother and sister-in-law - or should I say my niece and nephew - have nicknamed the new baby Batman.
Since they are
We're doing the scrappy version of the Star Surround in the scrappy version of the 3x3 layout of 16" blocks that will end up being a 48" square - one of the options galore so helpfully provided by Melissa over at Happy Quilting - so we needed nine fat quarters.
It was tough, but we finally came up with these fun fabrics.
I do think it is a little boyish, and will probably go into a fit of pink if Batman turns out to be Batgirl, but I'm really thinking boy right now. I was wrong the last two times, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day, am I right?
Because the Star Surround is so fabulous, and because I'll be doing the piecing for Batman's quilt, Mom got a little envious. She then proceeded to talk herself into doing a QUEEN SIZED Star Surround for a friend's granddaughter and walked out with something like twelve yards of fabric for that quilt!
I was very restrained, even though I only get over to Woodstock about once a year, and only bought two spools of Auriful thread that I needed. No really, this is all that's left of my white spool.
I know, I know. I should get a big cone. But I never think of it in time and then I need it NOW and also the quilt shops around here don't sell those so I need to order it and that takes, like, for.ev.er.
The last thing I picked up was this pattern for the most perfect little tote for my hexagons. It is Carolyn Friedlander's Social Tote that has three compartments and an optional pin cushion that fits into one of the compartments. I should have taken a picture of how it was displayed at the shop with the hexies in one small section, the pin cushion in the other, and fabric/templates in the big section. Plus scissors attached with a cute ribbon pinned into the cushion. Perfection! Just grab and go whenever I need a hand sewing project.
I guess technically they aren't WiPs until I start cutting. Hopefully I'll get to that today.
Yes, I know I'm supposed to be finishing more than starting. Shut up.
Oh, but in other exciting news, I used my Rainy Day Bag and they noticed it and liked it and thought I could sell them! (But who has time for that? I have a long list of stuff that has got to get done!)
What are you working on?
