Over the last several days I've been alternating between working on the WannaBees challenge and this one, depending on my energy level and creative juices. These blocks are perfect for listening to podcasts or stitching a few seams while dinner is in the oven; the bedroom block needs my full attention.
You'd think my 1 1/2" strip drawer would look emptier by now, but it's still pretty full. The bins of fabric still in my basement are scary. I could make scrap quilts until the cows come home and I'd have fabric left over.
I really do love these blocks, though, and think they do the story justice. Here's a quick snap of the quilt in the book, Under the Quilt of Night
Here's my blocks:
Sunshine and Shadows |
Fields and Furrows |
Straight Setting |
Okay, in trying to decide which setting I like, I'm only just realizing while the photos are loading that I tried all but the one actually in the book. Time to go lay them out again.
Here we go:
Barn Raising |
P.S. Thanks to Quilter's Diary for the log cabin layouts.

Jenny, I actually like Barn Raising best for exactly the reason that you don't have the whole picture. It looks modern and avant garde this way. So cool!