Mine was my 3rd grade teacher. I remember learning cursive writing and starting our multiplication tables. I still have the big children's dictionary that came with her class, and I remember the freedom she gave to look up any word we wanted during reading groups - we could just get up out of our seats and go look!
Gracie had a year like that this year. Ms. B. and Mrs. K. are both fairly new to our school (while I'm an old timer after nine years), and it was a breath of fresh air try new projects and learn new things along with them. Their passion for social studies and out-of-the-box learning made everyday subjects so much more fun.
I wanted to thank them in a special way, so I decided to make them a Summer Survival bag. I used the Schlep Bag pattern - a quick and easy favorite - in patriotic colors for Ms. K.
I added a great summer paperback for each of them:

...some purse sized hand sanitizer, sunblock, gum, etc. It was pointed out to me (by whom I won't say!) that a key summer survival item was missing; however, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to bring alcohol into the school so they will have to provide their own!
I am so grateful to these two wonderful teachers for making it a great year. We were a little anxious to say goodbye to the previous second grade teacher who taught my sons, and whom we loved, so we feel extra blessed that the school found someone to fill those big shoes. How did we get so lucky?
It was a bittersweet goodbye today, but we know that we will always remember this very special year. I hope everyone has a terrific summer!