I'm linking up with WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.
I'm stalled.
On Black Friday, Mom and Gracie and I visited Tiny Stitches in Marietta to shop the sale and spend some of the awesome gift certificates I had received. I fell in love with some gorgeous flannels, and decided to whip up a quilt for my father-in-law. I made him a quilt for his 60th birthday, but it's a wall hanging. He is frequently cold, so I wanted to make him something cozy.
These navy and gold and white flannels were perfect. I knew I could piece a quick Disappearing Nine Patch in no time flat and, hopefully, have Lene quilt it for me in time for Christmas.
And then I stalled. This happens so often and is the reason for my many UFOs. (We won't go into how many. Ahem.) The top is finished and, though maybe a little muddier palette than I originally imagined, looks great. The flannels are so soft and warm. Lene had time in her schedule. So what stopped me?
Piecing the back.
Now that the top is done, I've done some calculations and realized I don't have enough fabric for the back. I don't know if the fabric shrunk that much when I pre-washed it or if my 6:30 AM Black Friday brain did bad math, but there's just not enough.
I have some extra squares of the other flannels that I could piece in, but I'm completely stuck trying to wrap my brain around the best way to do it.
I'll bet that for each of my UFOs I could name one stumbling block that brought work completely to a halt on a perfectly good quilt. I just need to sit down and sketch it out so that this one isn't added to the pile!
What causes you to stall? How do you get over it?
***Edited to add: I had this entire post written and set to automatically post when I read this AWESOME solution by Diane Knott over at Butterfly Threads last night. It's like she read my mind. Thank you Diane!!
