We peaked with the sentimental journey of my in-laws' 50th anniversary party. What a beautiful celebration of family.
Finally I collapsed into the lulling relaxation of what was left of our quilt retreat weekend.
All of the WannaBees were there, so we did some work on our group quilt.
We played a couple of rounds of Left Right Center:
I started my first Christmas project for the season, a very old UFO that has been sitting in a Ziploc bag for probably ten years. Once I started, I couldn't help kicking myself for not getting to it sooner; it is going together so beautifully and will be done in no time at all!
It will be either a table topper or a tree skirt. You know, depending on how the center turns out. (Shut up. It hasn't been pressed yet.)
This weekend is the unofficial Labor Day Sew In - no prizes or contests that I'm aware of, but lots of quilty fun on twitter using #LDSI. I hope to get the top of this finished and sandwiched. Is it too ambitious to think I might get it quilted? There are no cross country meets, football games, lacrosse games or practices, or even much homework. Just quilts and college applications. We'll see.
