
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WiP Wednesday - Disappearing Pinwheels or #T50

It's WiP Wednesday, and this week I'm trying to collect myself after QuiltCon. My studio space was a disaster and I couldn't find several critical tools. A quick tidy was essential.

Once I got everything back in place, I could sew again in peace. It's very difficult right now to focus on my WiPs and not spin off into a hundred new projects floating through my brain, inspired by all the beautiful things I saw in Savannah. Thank goodness for my handy white board and design wall, reminding me every day of projects I fell in love with first.

My main focus is the quilt for The Pit Boss's fiftieth birthday. It's this Disappearing Pinwheel Block that I saw on Missouri Star Quilt Company's YouTube channel. Did I mention that I got to meet Jenny Doan at QuiltCon? She is absolutely as friendly and delightful in person as she is on TV!

Anyway, I found a fat quarter bundle of Alphabet by Windham Fabrics and a layer cake of Composition by Basic Grey for Moda at the Super Bolt sale at Tiny Stitches.

This project hasn't been without its ups and downs. On Saturday I had clearly not had enough caffeine to be trusted with a rotary cutter.

But all in all, they're coming along. I'm trying to decide how many blocks I need. Part of me wants to do 24 blocks plus two different borders after TPB admired the boys' Turning Twenty quilts and asked pitifully, "Is there such thing as a Turning Fifty quilt?" (cue the violins) 

I don't love borders, but that would equal fifty different fabrics and a nice sized quilt. The alternative is making more blocks and skipping the borders. I guess it will depend on my mood and how many more I mess up.

What are you working on?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn
    I enjoyed meeting you on Monday night. I thought everyone was really friendly. Do you go to the Monday night meeting later in the month? One member said they sometimes meet for dinner before the work meeting and that they meet at JoAnns. Which JoAnns?


Thanks for joining the conversation!