
Thursday, September 12, 2013

#TBT - Throwback Thursday - Teaching Kids to Quilt

Quiltin Jenny

It's Throwback Thursday here at Quiltin' Jenny, and I hope you'll link up and share your own creative adventures from your pre-blogging days.

September is National Sewing Month, and how better to celebrate than by teaching kids to sew?

When Grace was in half-day kindergarten back in 2006, her teacher was also a mom of a boy in the class, a boy Gracie just adored.  The teacher found out she was expecting a baby girl not long after school started, and delivered her sweet babe right around the time all of our kids moved up to the big school.

In preparation for this blessed event, I decided to let the little class help make a quilt.  I cut strips of various fabrics in assorted widths that Grace helped me select.  I used the flip and sew method, and let each student sit in front of me, pushing the pedal and guiding the fabric through my machine. 

Of course, since I was helping the kids sew, there isn't a single picture of this activity!  Just like at home.  ;o)

I did manage to snap a picture of the finished quilt with some of the kids when we had a baby shower with the guest of honor.

Now I want to see your blast from the past.  Link up and let us all see!


Thanks for joining the conversation!