
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WiP Wednesday - Star Surround and Batman's Quilt

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I'm linking up with WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.

I didn't get to my Star Surround top yesterday. It's been a little bit of a slow reentry from the weekend retreat and still getting into the school year. Last night was mini-class night, where we walk the high school kids' schedules, and it was a little bit of emotional overload after doing so well for the past week. Being in the band room, where my boy spent so many happy hours, just did me in. I miss him!

So today I decided I'd get this top pieced.  I had hoped to show you my blocks for Batman's quilt, but I got eight of the nine blocks done at retreat and realized I was missing four squares of Kona Snow for the eighth block. Curses!  Those are on my to do list.

I love how these are turning out and can't wait to get that top together as well.

What are you working on?


  1. Your star surround top is just stunning. I love how these fabrics all came together!! They are just so fun. Your points look awesome. Just a lovely top all around, great job!!

  2. Those wiggles are great! I can't believe you managed to sew them so they all are aligned the same way. I can never get my head around that so I just don't use those kinds of fabrics. You're awesome for that, just so you know.

  3. Your block looks great! Love your use of directional fabric.


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