
Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Book List

This month was better than last month - good thing since I'm closing in on the end of the year!

You had to know that at least one of the books I read was Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony by Jeff Ashton.  Yes, I bought it the day it came out and read it in about 48 hours.  There weren't a lot of huge revelations for me, since I followed the case from the very beginning and watched the trial live.  I read depositions and watched interviews with the FBI for three years.  If you didn't follow the case that closely, this will give you a lot of information that you didn't see in the mainstream media.  If you were ever on the fence about Casey's guilt, this one will push you off once and for all.  If you are a junkie like me, you will appreciate having some lingering questions answered and Jeff Ashton's dry wit in the face of a devastating loss.  I highly recommend it.

After that, I needed something light and airy.  Over the Thanksgiving holiday I read The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato. This is an easy read, romantic with a minor mystery.  I enjoyed it mostly because of the setting in Venice, Italy.  I visited there, along with a trip to Murano, for a few days a long, long time ago and loved it.

Last, our Bible Study group read Gift of the Red Bird: The Story of a Divine Encounter by Paula D'Arcy.  This little book is a quick read that generates big questions. Our group is made up exclusively of mothers.  Not to get too religious on you, but we all struggled with the idea that God wants us to surrender everything for him.  If we are better off spending all day in prayer, who is going to pick up carpool and make dinner?  Aren't the children God gave us our most important obligation?  Like I said, BIG conversations.  This story will take just a few hours to read but days, weeks, or even longer to contemplate and absorb.

That puts me at fifty books in forty-seven weeks.  Only two to go!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Glassblower of Murano! It is one I would read again.


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