
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Podcast Roundup 2011

It's football season and you know what that means - MORE PODCASTS!  Although my driving to and from football practice has virtually ground to a halt now that The Bear is in high school and stays after instead of being driven across town in rush hour traffic, I still find myself with lots of time in the car.

The two podcasts I've recently added to my subscriptions are The Off Kilter Quilt with Frances, and Hip to be a Square with Pam. 

Frances is a sort of newish quilter, professional author of young adult novels, knitter, fiddler, and gardener.  She records quilt diaries that frequently veer off the subject of quilting and into her interests and life with two tween boys and The Man.  She has a gorgeous South Carolina accent that is soothing when there's construction or a wreck or a long grocery list, so that I wouldn't even care if she wasn't talking about quilting.  But she is.  I love listening to her progress and laugh at some of her conversational tangents because they sound so darn familiar!  The pins holding up the curtains in her son's room made me glance around for hidden cameras.  Frances's podcast and blog have a conversational feel to them, which often pulls in other quilters I love through the comments and posts.  Now if we could get her on twitter!

Speaking of twitter, that's where I most often "see" Pam.  She, Sandy from Quilting for the Rest of Us, Brye Lynne, Allison, and so many more feel like friends I've known a long time instead of disembodied voices.  As it turns out, she's also local, so probably my best bet for one day meeting in real life.  Pam claims to be podcasting about "all things quilty and geeky" but there's not a lot of geek.  There is a lot of Zapper, the helper cat, who is drawn to the microphone like toddlers to their mother when the phone rings.  Pam is active in the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild, which is where I'd like to belong when I grow up.

Who are you listening to these days? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I like this post. Your fans would like more podcast reviews/summaries. (thanks for the shout out)


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