
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Going to Guild - Part II - Entering a Quilt Show

Our guild is getting ready for our show September 18-19th.  It's not too late to enter!

Have you ever put a quilt in a show?  If not, why not?  My favorite story about "not good enough" is told by our current show chair, Melissa.  She tells about browsing through the quilting calendar she got for Christmas one year and suddenly realizing, "Hey!  Those points don't match!"  Turns out it was a quilt by Alex Anderson.  Melissa had a light bulb moment and realized that, if Alex can have a quilt published with points that were visibly off, then Melissa herself wouldn't suffer public humiliation if she entered a not-entirely-square quilt into our little local show!  She uses this story every time she urges us to register MORE QUILTS!

If you aren't interested in submitting a quilt, you can still take a chance on bringing a quilt home with you.  Our donation quilt is in our favorite black and batik, and turned out spectacularly this year.  Email me if you'd like tickets.

Last but not least, I hope any local followers will attend the show.   Don't worry...I'll remind you closer to the day!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! I saw the question you posed to the Stashbuster group, asking about quilters in a guild who may be working on quilts but who never enter them into a show.

    For those who are fabulous quilters, and make quilts worthy of exhibiting in a show, it is hard to understand those of us who do not create "show-quality" quilts. Even though, as you mention, this is not a juried show, there is still a category of quilts that belongs in a show--and a category of quilts that don't. I saw your quilt from your BQF post on 5/22; you belong to the former category. I belong to the latter. :)


Thanks for joining the conversation!