
Monday, August 4, 2008

Healthy Habits Monday - Week 4

My menu planning/cooking at home went MUCH better than the paper taming efforts. We only ate dinner out one night last week, and that was a planned evening with the grandparents to celebrate my oldest son earning his 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. The paper, however, is still piling up around my ears. Sigh...

This week, in a nod to the 95+ degree heat and the pleading of the football coaches for the boys to to skip the Cokes and drink water all day every day (not just at practice), my healthy habit is going to be to drink water and plenty of it. No soft drinks, no sweet tea, just fresh clear water. I am allowing myself my morning coffee for the sake of those who have to live with me, but otherwise it's H20.

I have a feeling my skin will look better, I'll have fewer headaches, and it definitely cuts calories.

What's your healthy habit for the week? Jump in with me.


  1. I started counting calories this week and I'm going to try to walk on the treadmill 3 times.

  2. Drinking water is a great start to a healthier you! I love that you are trying to start healthy habits on Mondays. I actually just started working at a non-profit called "Healthy Monday" and our goal is to get people to make better choice to improve overall health and prevent some diseases. If you want more information on our campaign or to find some great Healthy Monday tips visit out website at or email me @


Thanks for joining the conversation!